WEBVTT 1 00:00:03.810 --> 00:00:08.869 Rachael Weasley: Today's queer theology. Sunday school is about queering the church calendar. 2 00:00:09.040 --> 00:00:25.410 Rachael Weasley: but I want to begin with 3 reminders about some more general basics before we delve into this topic. This may be familiar from past queer theology. Sunday school gatherings. So they might be reminders, or for some of you maybe good news 3 00:00:25.430 --> 00:00:29.130 Rachael Weasley: about our complicated world, our complicated God 4 00:00:29.180 --> 00:00:34.770 Rachael Weasley: and our complicated bodies and identities. Reminder number one 5 00:00:36.350 --> 00:00:37.790 Rachael Weasley: kaleidoscope. 6 00:00:39.240 --> 00:00:51.269 Rachael Weasley: The world is not built off of binaries. There are as many genders as there are people. There is day, and there is night. There's also dawn and dusk. 7 00:00:51.480 --> 00:00:54.339 Rachael Weasley: twilight, overcast days. 8 00:00:54.390 --> 00:00:57.489 Rachael Weasley: eclipses, and noon on the equator. 9 00:00:58.620 --> 00:01:11.130 Rachael Weasley: There's land, and there's water, and there's mud. tide, pools, swamps. bogs, and land covered in ice, which is actually water. Creation is complicated. 10 00:01:11.140 --> 00:01:21.499 Rachael Weasley: and we are part of creation. God contains all genders, and is genderless as a preschooler once reminded me, you can use any pronouns for God. 11 00:01:22.260 --> 00:01:29.230 Rachael Weasley: Even a spectrum contains a binary of its 2 poles. So I offer you the symbol of the kaleidoscope 12 00:01:35.340 --> 00:01:37.239 Rachael Weasley: reminder number 2. 13 00:01:38.770 --> 00:01:40.000 Rachael Weasley: Starburst 14 00:01:41.440 --> 00:01:44.589 Rachael Weasley: gender and sexuality are mixed up with power. 15 00:01:45.670 --> 00:02:01.070 Rachael Weasley: Queer theology is good news for all people, not just queer people, because it explodes the categories that heteropatriarchy is built upon and heteropatriarchy puts unhealthy limitations onto the identities and behavior of all of us. 16 00:02:01.300 --> 00:02:13.970 Rachael Weasley: including streets as gendered men. This damaging power, hierarchy interrupts our ability to thrive through the blessings of mutuality. vulnerability, and interdependent relationships. 17 00:02:14.310 --> 00:02:24.420 Rachael Weasley: So as we create a radical sideways space here together, rooted in the teachings of Jesus. let us be aware of the way each of us handles power in this space. 18 00:02:24.860 --> 00:02:26.240 Rachael Weasley: Listen well. 19 00:02:26.780 --> 00:02:29.110 Rachael Weasley: speak up, cede the floor. 20 00:02:29.430 --> 00:02:36.739 Rachael Weasley: use eye statements, and encourage a balance of voices and perspectives as we honor the vulnerability 21 00:02:36.830 --> 00:02:42.319 Rachael Weasley: each of us brings today, just in showing up at an event about queerness and spirituality 22 00:02:46.060 --> 00:02:48.000 Rachael Weasley: and reminder. Number 3. 23 00:02:52.030 --> 00:02:53.140 Rachael Weasley: Spiral. 24 00:02:55.180 --> 00:03:14.390 Rachael Weasley: We are not the inventors of queerness. interdependence, multiplicity. and the other ideas. Queer theology is based on this is not a fad. We are following the leading of our Creator God, who planted these ideas into the very reality of our bodies and the fabric of our universe. 25 00:03:15.520 --> 00:03:26.190 Rachael Weasley: So let us welcome our tenderly intimate and vastly unknowable God into this space where they have already been at work in you and we 26 00:03:26.290 --> 00:03:30.569 Rachael Weasley: and the air we are breathing. Even before this gathering began. 27 00:03:31.210 --> 00:03:35.669 Rachael Weasley: the spiral represents the constant unfolding of the divine. 28 00:03:36.610 --> 00:03:40.719 Rachael Weasley: So, if you will, I invite you to breathe and pray with me. 29 00:03:41.390 --> 00:03:42.540 Rachael Weasley: Spirit. 30 00:03:43.780 --> 00:03:47.960 Rachael Weasley: guide us as we open ourselves to seeing the world in different ways. 31 00:03:48.790 --> 00:03:52.470 Rachael Weasley: strengthen us to grow and change our ideas. 32 00:03:53.190 --> 00:04:06.269 Rachael Weasley: to accept ourselves more radically. to embrace the differences between each other more beautifully. and to catch a glimpse of your vision of freedom for us. thriving for our churches. 33 00:04:06.670 --> 00:04:09.830 Rachael Weasley: and wholeness, for this world that you love. 34 00:04:10.930 --> 00:04:15.310 Rachael Weasley: Spirit breathed through us today as we seek you in our learning 35 00:04:15.540 --> 00:04:18.450 Rachael Weasley: and our reflection. Amen. 36 00:04:22.640 --> 00:04:28.150 Rachael Weasley: And now I am excited to welcome our speaker today. Erika Lee, Simpka. 37 00:04:28.230 --> 00:04:37.109 Rachael Weasley: she they graduate of San Hakinto College, Texas, A. And M. University and Truett Theological Seminary. 38 00:04:37.600 --> 00:04:46.159 Rachael Weasley: She has also studied as a continuing education student at Anabaptist, Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Eastern Mennett University, and Hebrew College. 39 00:04:47.020 --> 00:04:57.469 Rachael Weasley: pastor Erica, has served Baptist and Mennonite congregations, and began serving as pastor of Albuquerque Mennonite Church in November of 17 40 00:04:58.160 --> 00:05:03.040 Rachael Weasley: they also serve as the Southwest representative for Mennonite women. U.S.A. 41 00:05:03.460 --> 00:05:13.580 Rachael Weasley: When not at church Erica can be found cooking, visiting the Public Library, nature walking, watching British mysteries, and spending time with her interfaith family. 42 00:05:14.520 --> 00:05:18.970 Rachael Weasley: So let us all give a warm welcome to Pastor Erica. 43 00:05:22.570 --> 00:05:24.490 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Yay. 44 00:05:24.700 --> 00:05:25.730 thank you. 45 00:05:30.300 --> 00:05:37.330 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Alright. Show of hands. If you can see sort of turquoise slide. 46 00:05:37.840 --> 00:05:48.610 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Yeah. Are you seeing other things, too? Or just the slide? Just a slide? Okay? Good cause. I don't. I don't want y'all looking at the notes that I'm trying to. Anyway, here we go. 47 00:05:49.050 --> 00:05:53.899 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: right? So I think 48 00:05:54.930 --> 00:05:57.479 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: I think where I want to start 49 00:05:57.590 --> 00:06:02.510 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: is defining some terms or taking a crack at it. 50 00:06:03.500 --> 00:06:07.250 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and then we'll talk through some of that some more. 51 00:06:07.390 --> 00:06:18.690 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and then I've got us at a a head. Start a running start with identifying some queer holy days or holidays. 52 00:06:18.970 --> 00:06:25.390 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and I'd really love for us to put our heads together and add to 53 00:06:26.030 --> 00:06:31.760 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: well, Kittridge, cherry has already made a start on a quite long list. 54 00:06:31.910 --> 00:06:33.469 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: so we'll see 55 00:06:33.480 --> 00:06:36.329 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: we'll see the list that we come up with. So 56 00:06:36.670 --> 00:06:38.900 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: firstly, queer! 57 00:06:40.120 --> 00:06:52.749 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: That can be a difficult word, I think, for some of the elders and the Lgbtq community folks of a certain generation. For others. It's a helpful sort of blanket term that 58 00:06:52.780 --> 00:06:56.349 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: decenters, especially gay white men. 59 00:06:56.630 --> 00:07:06.940 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: But I'm I'm gonna talk about queerness, and it's queer Sunday school, and you know that's that's where we're at. So queer. And 60 00:07:07.010 --> 00:07:16.030 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: I'm suggesting is differing in some way from what is usual or normal. That's definitely in quotes 61 00:07:16.460 --> 00:07:26.280 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: odd, strange, questionable, suspicious, unconventional. some of this is coming from Miriam Webster. 62 00:07:27.600 --> 00:07:38.840 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: but too queer as in a verb, is to consider or interpret from a perspective that rejects traditional categories of gender and sexuality. 63 00:07:40.300 --> 00:07:42.259 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: So I think. 64 00:07:42.370 --> 00:07:55.220 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: as Mennonites and Anna Baptist for us to live into the church calendar. It's an opportunity for us to 65 00:07:55.500 --> 00:07:57.590 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: do time differently. 66 00:07:58.640 --> 00:08:10.349 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and to go against the grain of empire and dominant culture. and all of us have something to learn from others in the queer community. 67 00:08:10.530 --> 00:08:20.939 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: For some strategies, some ways, the wisdom of how to do something a little outside the typical expectation. Right? 68 00:08:21.490 --> 00:08:22.530 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: So 69 00:08:22.830 --> 00:08:36.219 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: as Ana Baptist, we have a lot of freedom. Generally speaking, I'm not necessarily talking about our capital C conservative siblings. I'm talking about those of us who are moderate, progressive. 70 00:08:36.309 --> 00:08:44.380 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: You know. We're pretty much left to our own devices congregationally when it comes to how we approach worship. 71 00:08:44.510 --> 00:08:51.129 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: How we organize ourselves with prayer and worship and such. And so I think sometimes we forget this. 72 00:08:51.350 --> 00:09:00.449 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and we default to a very wide American Midwest. This had majority culture, worship and prayer style. 73 00:09:00.530 --> 00:09:13.500 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: I'm not putting down that worshiper prayer style. I'm just saying that's not the only one, and sometimes we don't always remember that there are Mennonites in the Us. There are Mennonites in our congregations 74 00:09:13.510 --> 00:09:21.010 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: who are every color. who are every background are every gender and sexuality. 75 00:09:21.470 --> 00:09:37.839 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and I think our worship and prayer should reflect that a little bit more than it does in my experience. authentic prayer and worship, meaning oneself, and one's experience is reflected in how we search for and relate to God 76 00:09:38.150 --> 00:09:41.999 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: is divine. I'm going to go ahead and put that in the chat 77 00:09:43.460 --> 00:09:46.349 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: because I kind of like it. But it's also kind of wordy. 78 00:09:48.450 --> 00:09:53.629 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: I've got multiple screens. Here we go. 79 00:09:54.750 --> 00:10:07.120 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Yeah. repeat authentic prayer and worship, meaning meaning one's self, and one's experience is reflected in how we search for and relate to God 80 00:10:07.350 --> 00:10:08.670 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: is divine. 81 00:10:09.310 --> 00:10:23.590 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: When we meet with God, however, we do that is divine, a divine appointment, you know. so contextualized worship, prayer, and spiritual formation is sacred on top of sacred. 82 00:10:25.040 --> 00:10:29.609 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: So how we view, understand, pray, worship 83 00:10:29.680 --> 00:10:42.780 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and study is sacred and just as valid as anyone else. Now, when I'm saying we there, I mean Lgbtq people. What we bring to the party 84 00:10:43.040 --> 00:10:48.360 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: is sacred and divinely inspired like anyone else. 85 00:10:50.480 --> 00:10:57.889 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: This includes telling time not only with the church calendar, but also with queer Christian experience. 86 00:11:00.950 --> 00:11:11.400 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: One of my favorite, if not my favorite passages in the Bible is this bit of Ecclesiastes? 3. That's a poem. There's a time and a season for everything under heaven. 87 00:11:11.690 --> 00:11:12.990 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: or in 88 00:11:13.210 --> 00:11:20.610 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: the way. This phrase is that a time to plant and a time to harvest, a time, to tear, a time, to mend, a time to, you know, and so on. 89 00:11:21.750 --> 00:11:22.860 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: And I think 90 00:11:23.540 --> 00:11:28.219 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: one of the most sacred questions we can ask is, what time is it? 91 00:11:29.180 --> 00:11:42.119 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: And the church calendar gives us a way or the liturgical calendar. I'll use those interchangeably gives us a way to approach starting to respond to that question with a 92 00:11:42.210 --> 00:11:46.620 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: particularly Christian approach. What time isn't. 93 00:11:47.700 --> 00:11:51.830 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: There's a time that season for everything. But what time is it now? 94 00:11:52.760 --> 00:12:01.750 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Okay, so let's take a look at the church calendar or the liturgical calendar, and consider how Lgbtq people can participate. 95 00:12:01.860 --> 00:12:07.169 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: but also contribute to the holy cycles of marking time. 96 00:12:07.790 --> 00:12:09.060 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: So, firstly. 97 00:12:09.120 --> 00:12:11.410 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: what is Liturgy? 98 00:12:15.280 --> 00:12:19.270 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: This is me in front of Westminster Abbey. 99 00:12:19.490 --> 00:12:27.540 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: And I will confess to you all that I went there after less than 24 h off the plane. 100 00:12:27.910 --> 00:12:43.840 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: And this big, deep British man, priest voice did, in fact, put me to sleep. It's not my fault. We have been hardwired to fall asleep to British voices as Americans. 101 00:12:44.870 --> 00:12:56.510 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: but it was perhaps the most like liturgical grand. You know. I haven't been to Rome, I guess, experience that I've had. So I chose this picture so liturgy 102 00:12:57.250 --> 00:13:00.520 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: when I think liturgy, I think Catholic, I think 103 00:13:00.610 --> 00:13:15.149 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Anglican, I think Episcopalian. You know these High Church traditions. You can be a High Church Anabaptist like, hey? You, do you? That's not exactly the norm. But I'll argue that every church, even Low Church, has liturgy 104 00:13:15.850 --> 00:13:18.969 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Miriam Webster, a right RITE. 105 00:13:19.040 --> 00:13:27.349 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Or body of rights prescribed for public worship. It's how we do for most of us a Sunday service. 106 00:13:28.530 --> 00:13:32.970 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: customary repertoire of ideas, phrases, or observances. 107 00:13:34.020 --> 00:13:41.330 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Cambridge Dictionary. A set of words, music, and actions regularly used in religious ceremonies, right 108 00:13:41.900 --> 00:13:44.499 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: as midnight. We've got liturgy. 109 00:13:44.690 --> 00:13:47.000 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: That's not just a Catholic thing. 110 00:13:47.020 --> 00:13:54.070 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: We may not have a book, or everything prescribed in such a specific manner. But we've all got liturgy. 111 00:13:54.100 --> 00:13:59.560 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and it comes from a compound Greek word meaning people and work. 112 00:13:59.900 --> 00:14:07.029 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and I will tell you it is quite the hot topic, especially for Catholic bloggers online. 113 00:14:07.160 --> 00:14:15.850 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: If it should be translated as work of the people. Our work for the people so work for the people 114 00:14:15.980 --> 00:14:20.670 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: as a bit more of a Catholic youth. The priest, on behalf, you know. 115 00:14:20.780 --> 00:14:31.479 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: work of the people right? I think that's a little closer to who we are as Ana Baptist. So anyway, you slice it, you better work. 116 00:14:32.430 --> 00:14:34.030 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Thank you. 117 00:14:34.740 --> 00:14:43.390 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: So why not the work of the queer people or work for the queer people. 118 00:14:43.990 --> 00:14:52.750 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Sometimes when we talk about work of the people or work for the people, we go to that dominant culture again, of what is a people. 119 00:14:53.310 --> 00:14:57.360 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and we forget we are people. queer people are people. 120 00:14:57.680 --> 00:15:03.090 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and we can bring ourselves into the calendar. We can ask, what time is it? 121 00:15:03.770 --> 00:15:12.830 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Alright? So the Oxford Guide to the Book of Common Prayer, which again, very Anglican, very High Church. But we can roll with that 122 00:15:13.080 --> 00:15:29.169 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: breaks down the overall Big Year Church calendar, liturgical calendar into the invasion of the Incarnation. I don't love that language invasion, you know. It sounds a bit colonizing, and you know, but I'm just quoting them. 123 00:15:29.480 --> 00:15:32.840 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and they identify that part as advent to Lent. 124 00:15:34.260 --> 00:15:38.540 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and we'll look at it kind of diagram to situate ourselves in a second. 125 00:15:38.780 --> 00:15:46.959 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and then the second half, or the other half the triumph of the resurrection. So we've got incarnation and resurrection 126 00:15:47.100 --> 00:15:50.719 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: resurrection lent to Pentecost. That's how they divvy it up. 127 00:15:51.320 --> 00:15:59.479 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and then, of course, ordinary time is Pentecost, which is late May early June to advent, which is 128 00:16:00.320 --> 00:16:02.570 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: for some days before Christmas. 129 00:16:03.410 --> 00:16:13.429 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and that is ordinary time, because it's ordered as an ordinal numbers. The first Sunday, the second Sunday, the third Sunday after Pentecost. 130 00:16:13.870 --> 00:16:22.239 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: or, as my previous music director used to say, oh, the 7 hundredth Sunday, or whatever we're on after PIN our cost. 131 00:16:22.830 --> 00:16:29.859 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: It's ordinary time, because it's ordered ordinal numbers, not ordinary time, as if nothing was going on. 132 00:16:31.670 --> 00:16:40.170 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Alright. So if you're like me, the pretty visual so spoiler, alert, we're right here 133 00:16:40.970 --> 00:16:44.740 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: yesterday was officially epiphany. January 6, 134 00:16:45.190 --> 00:17:00.380 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and I'm going to continue as an American and as a Christian, to hold on to January 6, as Epiphany. and hold on to January 6, in Celtic Christianity as women's Christmas. But that's for another talk. 135 00:17:01.070 --> 00:17:03.719 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: So here we are at Epiphany. 136 00:17:03.860 --> 00:17:06.749 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: We are now in the season of Epiphany. 137 00:17:06.859 --> 00:17:10.079 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: which ends on Ash Wednesday. 138 00:17:10.740 --> 00:17:15.540 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: The Nash. Wednesday moves us through 6 weeks of Lent. 139 00:17:15.980 --> 00:17:29.730 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and then Easter. Easter is a season, not just a day. The feast of Easter is an octave, so it's 8 days. The first Sunday of Easter, the second Sunday of Easter, begin the season of Easter. 140 00:17:29.780 --> 00:17:35.010 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: which is 50 days, until Penta, 5 50 Pentacost. 141 00:17:35.460 --> 00:17:43.910 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: which spoiler, alert. Pentecost may or may not be my favorite Sunday of the year, not just because I look good in red. 142 00:17:43.920 --> 00:17:53.539 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: but it is like always my favorite. I've always loved the Holy Spirit, and I'll just tell you, raised as a very white Baptist in Texas. 143 00:17:53.870 --> 00:17:59.780 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: I think that's just a natural spirit thing in me because I wasn't necessarily encouraged to be like 144 00:17:59.940 --> 00:18:09.110 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Yay, Holy Spirit, you know that wasn't quite our culture and spirituality. So I love Pentecost. That's not the that's not short, short that. 145 00:18:09.460 --> 00:18:13.939 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: And then again, this ordinary time takes us through a good chunk of the year. 146 00:18:14.960 --> 00:18:17.500 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: So the 147 00:18:17.710 --> 00:18:26.700 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: lectionary which we won't get into today. It's a 3 year cycle of readings assigned for each Sunday 148 00:18:27.040 --> 00:18:33.779 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: is more or less divided into the story of Jesus and the story of the people of God. 149 00:18:34.640 --> 00:18:41.400 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Now, in some of our other queer Sunday school classes, we've talked about some of the possibilities 150 00:18:41.690 --> 00:18:45.269 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: of Jesus having some queerness. 151 00:18:47.380 --> 00:18:53.180 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: The story of the people of God. We've certainly talked about some of the people of God, and 152 00:18:53.310 --> 00:18:57.780 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: not just in the Bible, but us as well. having some queerness to it. 153 00:18:57.830 --> 00:19:06.079 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: So I don't really see us as putting something onto this that may not already be there. If that makes sense. 154 00:19:06.940 --> 00:19:16.950 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: not everything about God, the Bible or the church calendar is queer. but I think there's not nothing there either. 155 00:19:17.720 --> 00:19:22.730 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: so we can keep an eye out for it. So this is the overview of of the calendar. 156 00:19:22.970 --> 00:19:25.080 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: an alternative way to tell time. 157 00:19:27.830 --> 00:19:29.760 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: The Christmas cycle 158 00:19:29.930 --> 00:19:40.020 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: again the the first Sunday of the church calendar is Advent one. We start things just on the cusp of darkness. 159 00:19:40.950 --> 00:19:49.979 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: at least in the northern hemisphere. And this area of the world. the season of anticipation, introspection. We've got epiphany tide. 160 00:19:50.060 --> 00:20:00.239 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Which is until the presentation of the Lord, which is the feast, February second, or until Ash Wednesday. It kind of depends on who you ask and how you count. 161 00:20:01.370 --> 00:20:05.889 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: We have the Pasco cycle, which is what includes Lent. 162 00:20:06.070 --> 00:20:09.260 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: which is those 40 days and 6 Sundays. 163 00:20:09.310 --> 00:20:16.199 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Sunday is never a fasting day. Every Sunday is a little Easter except Easter, which would be a big Easter. 164 00:20:16.260 --> 00:20:33.330 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: so there is traditionally no fasting on Sunday. So if you're a hardcore Protestant, and you're like yay lint. I'm gonna do fasting. Know that Catholics are laughing at you when you're fasting on Sunday, because traditionally, there's no fasting on Sunday. Okay, I don't, anyway. 165 00:20:33.390 --> 00:20:37.920 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: So that's why I put that here 40 days plus 6 7 days. 166 00:20:38.780 --> 00:20:45.460 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: We've got Easter tide. If we talked about that, we've got ordinary time. I'm just kind of popping through this. 167 00:20:47.200 --> 00:20:48.090 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: So 168 00:20:50.400 --> 00:21:07.579 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: let's talk about some proposed queer, holy days. Now I know we have a meeting of the minds in some way here, and one could argue every day is a queer, holy day, especially at my house. But let's talk about this communally. 169 00:21:08.680 --> 00:21:22.309 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and I certainly would want to talk about this, not only in an American context, but I think it's important. Again, part of the heart of this is to contextualize. So especially if you're in Canada, or another kind of geographical 170 00:21:22.320 --> 00:21:23.520 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: a 171 00:21:24.080 --> 00:21:39.710 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: nation state, or you know, whatever I think it's important to be who you are and who you're with. So the list that I've started here includes feast days and fast days, which also reflects those other 172 00:21:39.720 --> 00:21:48.380 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: church calendar or liturgical calendar days that we've just looked at right. We've got Easter. We've got Ash Wednesday, and we've got lots of in between. 173 00:21:48.400 --> 00:21:56.730 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Also here for these proposed queer holidays. So a few. January sixth. 174 00:21:57.270 --> 00:22:01.549 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Epiphany. A lot of how Epiphany is taught 175 00:22:01.570 --> 00:22:05.420 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: is that Gentiles non-jews 176 00:22:05.550 --> 00:22:06.620 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: come 177 00:22:06.810 --> 00:22:10.039 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and name and recognize Jesus 178 00:22:10.430 --> 00:22:21.149 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and church tradition. It's not in the Bible gives them names Balthazar, Casper, and Melchior. and they would be 3 men 179 00:22:22.010 --> 00:22:24.880 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: I don't know. Maybe they're a threat. I don't know. 180 00:22:25.380 --> 00:22:31.669 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: There there are 3 men traveling together, and some really, really old artwork. 181 00:22:31.990 --> 00:22:34.919 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Shows them sharing a bed. 182 00:22:36.150 --> 00:22:47.760 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: It's true. It's also quite possible that they were traveling, and there was only one bed, and we don't need to overcook it. I'm just saying I'd like to leave us open with options there. 183 00:22:48.800 --> 00:22:53.880 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: but also those who were not exactly on the inside of power. 184 00:22:54.650 --> 00:23:01.739 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: are invited to come and recognize Jesus. I think, at a minimum. Most folks would agree with that reading of the Epiphany text. 185 00:23:02.620 --> 00:23:03.630 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: June 186 00:23:04.220 --> 00:23:19.759 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: pride month, right? We've got the anniversary of Stonewall. There's a lot of pride activities going on. Some communities don't do their pride, parade, or whatever in June. I kinda wish New Mexico would reconsider because it is like boiling hot. 187 00:23:19.830 --> 00:23:31.539 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: But I also want to respect the stone wall history and all that. But I, you know. So wherever it is for you, we can recognize June as Pride Month. But it could also be. You know. 188 00:23:31.790 --> 00:23:38.979 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: I think I've been to Seattle pride. It was so overwhelming that was in June as well. But wherever you are, if it's a different time. 189 00:23:39.130 --> 00:23:43.369 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: all the better. You've got more on your queer holiday calendar. 190 00:23:43.550 --> 00:23:49.919 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: October at least in the Us. Lgbtq history month, October eleventh, coming out day. 191 00:23:50.180 --> 00:23:58.850 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: November twentieth transgender. Day of remembrance. November 20. Third feast day of Saint Perpetua and Saint Felicity. 192 00:23:58.970 --> 00:24:03.619 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: These are 2 very early church martyrs, women 193 00:24:03.690 --> 00:24:07.020 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: they may have been lovers. They may not have been 194 00:24:07.600 --> 00:24:13.740 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: but they are significant, especially for queer women, Christian, queer women. 195 00:24:13.940 --> 00:24:14.850 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: So 196 00:24:15.250 --> 00:24:21.479 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: could be on our queer holiday calendar. And just as a little fun aside. 197 00:24:21.510 --> 00:24:29.859 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: November 20. Third is also my mother's birthday, and she's really conservative. And I kind of love that these saves. Yeah. 198 00:24:30.320 --> 00:24:32.220 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: I'll never forget what day 199 00:24:32.950 --> 00:24:38.739 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: is there Tuesday, all right. and the Sunday before Advent is 200 00:24:38.760 --> 00:24:43.540 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Christ the King, Sunday, or reign of Christ Sunday. 201 00:24:44.390 --> 00:24:53.580 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and it's kind of been a cheeky, almost joke of Christ, the Queen Sunday, and going a sort of like Drag Angle. And that's why I included this art here. 202 00:24:54.680 --> 00:25:02.670 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: But it's an interesting thought. I think we can entertain it. So I just want to put a hold there and ask. 203 00:25:02.790 --> 00:25:13.959 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: what other queer, holy days would you add to this list either particular to your context, a shared American queer experience, something global. 204 00:25:14.030 --> 00:25:18.889 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: a whatever. And you can unmute and share that 205 00:25:19.030 --> 00:25:25.879 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: but that would mean that you're going to be in the recording, or you can put it in the chat. Yeah, the feast day of Saint Joan of Arc. 206 00:25:26.090 --> 00:25:28.030 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: That's a possibility. 207 00:25:29.580 --> 00:25:34.979 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: I'm not sure what day that would be, because, you know, she's not 208 00:25:35.440 --> 00:25:41.099 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: always super popular with the Catholic Church, like the whole being burned at the steak thing. But 209 00:25:41.900 --> 00:25:44.440 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: right. I'm sure it exists. 210 00:25:47.110 --> 00:25:48.639 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Other holy days. 211 00:25:58.710 --> 00:26:04.440 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Oh, may thirtieth! Great! Thank you. Oh, Rachel, I love that 212 00:26:04.470 --> 00:26:15.900 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: my family marks the day one of our transgender members came out with new pronouns. Yeah. yeah, that's right. Holy days, I mean. 213 00:26:16.130 --> 00:26:31.220 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: my birthday is a holy day, or at least it has the potential to be right. It can be something very individual, or for your household or family, and not only kind of congregationally, or the larger, even ecumenical, queer Christian community. I love that 214 00:26:46.440 --> 00:26:54.809 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: alright. Well, one of the resources that I have. Hopefully, you all are familiar with Q. Spirit. 215 00:26:55.130 --> 00:27:00.119 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: Kitrick, cherry she does a lot of work, and 216 00:27:00.160 --> 00:27:10.329 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: she actually has a running list of, I think, what she calls queer saints. The the anniversary of Matthew Shepard's death 217 00:27:10.800 --> 00:27:12.750 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: is on her list 218 00:27:13.110 --> 00:27:27.610 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: perpetuates felicity are on her list. Right? So both kind of more contemporary, some more ancient, some explicitly Christian, some not. And so that'll be in a link that I'll share in just a minute. 219 00:27:29.890 --> 00:27:30.979 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: There it is. 220 00:27:32.400 --> 00:27:34.319 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: So what time is it? Now? 221 00:27:35.740 --> 00:27:40.030 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: This is a sacred question, and it's worth asking and considering. 222 00:27:40.990 --> 00:27:42.320 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: I propose. 223 00:27:42.740 --> 00:27:48.899 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: the time is to bring our authentic selves, however possible. 224 00:27:49.120 --> 00:27:50.260 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: to God 225 00:27:50.400 --> 00:27:57.430 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: and to our faith communities, especially those of us who are a majority sith head church spaces. 226 00:27:58.700 --> 00:28:06.620 Erica Lea-Simka [she/they]: we're not necessarily imposing something that isn't there. We're just uncovering and naming what's always been.